Normal People Seeking Quick Answers Privately

Economic Buyer

Individual users (normal people)

End User

Individual users



Customer Problem

They need quick and private feedback on various questions without exposing themselves to the general public or on social media.

Actual State

Current Workaround

Users may rely on traditional text surveys, social media polls, or direct messaging, which can be time-consuming and lack privacy.

Desired State

Our Solution

Surfey provides a quick and easy way to create video surveys and share them privately, allowing respondents to answer naturally and maintain their privacy.

Pain Points

Pain Relievers


Incomplete feedback, reluctance to ask questions due to privacy concerns, and inefficient survey processes.


Users get the feedback they need quickly and privately, leading to better decision-making and more engaged respondents.

Scoring System

1 - 5


There is no single identifiable buyer


Buyers have a compelling reason to buy


Worth paying for?

Our solution is fit for purpose


Mobile, private, fast, low tech barrier

No competition is expected


Anti-publicity and social circles which are the norm

We are confident to win this niche


Total Score